101 Photo Club

Welcome to 101 Photo Club. Formed in January, 2016, the club is a group of professionals and amateurs that networks on a regular basis to learn and improve the craft of photography and to engage commercial photography.

We appreciate photography as an art.
We communicate ideas through photography.
We network to inspire each other.
We use photography to serve the community.
We grow together.


Membership Benefits
  • Monthly networking event
  • Educational seminar by renowned photographers
  • Photography outings and glamour model shoots
  • Portfolio showcase on Club’s website
  • Exhibits at public venues
  • Photo competitions
  • 30% discount on Workshop fees
  • 10% discount on Photography Class fees

And many more…

Join 101Photoclub Line or WeChat group by scan the QR code below

                     Line Group                                            WeChat Group


Mobile Phone Photography Class 2024

When: 08/10, 08/17, 08/24, 08/31
Time: Saturday 10:00am - 11:40am
Where: River of Life Christian Church 生命河靈糧堂
             1177 Laurelwood Rd, Santa Clara, CA 95054
             Room G6

Click to reserver your seat.
Photo Class for Members $80

Photo Class for Non-Members $90
($100 for Class + Annual Membership)



Join 101 Photo Club

Club Members
Membership Renewal




Sep 8/10- 8/31 Mobile Phone Photography Class



Nov 13 - 101PhotoClub Picnic and Photo Shoot

Oct 05 with Chao Feng: Nightscape Photography

Aug 17 with Steve Kozak: The Fine Art of Portrait Photography

Jun 01 with Jennifer Renwick:  Taking the Slow Approach 

July 06 with David Kingham: Don't Get the Blue Over Blue Skies

May 04 with Tony Sweet: Creative In-Camera FX

Apr 06 with Scott Robert Lim: Mastering Continuous Light

Mar 03 with Polina Plotnikova : Starting form a blank canvas

Feb 02 with Steve Kozak: The Heart and Craft of Photography

Jan 05 with Hazel Meredith: Working with Textures & Overlays

Nov 03 with Doug Bennett: Landscape Photography - Achieving Technical Excellence and Crafting Artistically Expressive Images

Oct 13 with Brent Russel Paull: American West Photo Safaris

Aug 11 with George Warren Ziegler:  Introduction to Infrared Photography 

July 21 with Chao Feng: Photo Retouch: Simple and Powerful Techniques

May 12 with Jack Ou: A Winter Wonderland: Banff National Park

Apr 14 with Eric Gray: Using Photoshop to make Watercolor Art

March 3 with Rick Whitacre: Astro_Landscape Photography

February 4 with Ken Fong: Photographing the unseen: re-training your eyes for the photogenic.

January 7 with Mark Grzan: Twenty Strategies in Composition

Octorber 1 with Serena Hartoog Capturing Color in Motion

September 3 with David Coleman: Visual Storytelling

Auguest 6 with John Gayler:  Icelandic Adventure 

July 9 with Jing Wee: Planning for Astrophotography

May 7 with Jeff Cable: Safari Photography

April 2 with Suzette Allen: Location Portraits and LIVE Portraits

March 5 with Yao-Pi Hsu: Creative Photography

February 12 with John Gayler: Travel Photography

January 8 with Jon Sun: Shooting Moments that Matter

December 1 & 8 with Master Paul Tsang: Lighting Workshop

Octorber 2 with Dr. Shinnan Kiang: Winter Photography

September 4 with QT Luong: Treasured Lands: A Photographic Odyssey Through America's National Parks

August 7 with Ken Fong: How I Apply Creative Workflow

July 10 with Rick Whitacre: Astro Landscape Photography

May 1 with Jeff Cable: Sports Photography

April 3 with Paul Tsan: Window lighting and poses for portrait

March 6 with Michael Gan: Regenerating the creative process through the power of intention

February 6 with Serena Hartoog: HDR in Travel Photography

January 9 with Rudy Pollak: See the Picture Before You Take the Picture


Newsletter 2016


Social Media



Contact Us

Phone:  1-408-567-0877

Email: apply@101photoclub.com

Location: ROLCC
1177 Laurelwood Rd, Santa Clara, CA 95054   

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Member Organization

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